Minecraft Wiki

Java Edition


2009년 5월 16일

다운로드 Unavailable
Nether Star
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mc-161648[note 1]은 2009년 5월 16일 16:48(UTC)에 출시된 프리클래식 버전이다.[1]


  • 마우스 시야 관련 문제.[2]


  • 이 버전은 마인크래프트 초기 버전의 이름 없는 마지막 버전이였으며, as a version number was added from the next update.[3]


  1. This is only a placeholder name; the actual version was most likely unnamed.

참조 링크

  1. TigIRC logs: (12:48:58) notch: dock, fartron, Jrsquee: I've uploaded a new version that fixed the mouse lag for me. You might have to restart your browser to avoid applet cache issues. Could you see if it works now? =)
  2. TigIRC logs: (12:34:01) notch: ok, thank you. I need to fix this mouse look thing, I think. ;)
  3. TigIRC logs: (12:49:34) fartron: put in a build count or something so i can tell if it loaded the new one
    (12:49:56) notch: good idea. I'll add from the next version and up. =)