Minecraft Wiki

마인크래프트 사용자 환경은 설정(Options)를 통해 구성할 수 있다. 몇가지 추가적인 설정은 options.txt 파일을 직접 편집해야 변경할 수 있다.

자바 에디션[]


"설정"을 선택하면 주요 설정 화면이 뜬다.

설정 설정
FOV 화면에 게임 세계가 얼마나 많이 보일지를 제어한다. 시야각 또는 화각(Field of View)이 라고 한다. 30° 에서 110°까지 설정할 수 있다.
난이도를 평화로움, 쉬움, 보통, 어려움 중에서 선택할 수 있다. 선택하고 확인하면 명령어를 사용하지 않는 한 난이도를 변경할 수 없다. (하드코어 모드의 경우에는 난이도를 변경할 수 없다.) 서버의 경우 난이도는 명령어를 사용하거나, server.properties 파일을 변경해야만 바꿀 수 있다.

스킨 사용자 지정[]

스킨 사용자 지정 설정 설명
망토를 켜거나 끈다. 껐을 경우, 겉날개를 입었을 때 망토 텍스처도 활성화되지 않는다.
몸의 두번째 레이어를 켜거나 끈다.
왼쪽 소매
(Left Sleeve)
왼쪽 손의 두번째 레이어를 켜거나 끈다.
오른쪽 소매
(Right Sleeve)
오른쪽 손의 두번째 레이어를 켜거나 끈다.
왼쪽 바지
(Left Pants Leg)
왼쪽 발의 두번째 레이어를 켜거나 끈다.
오른쪽 바지
(Right Pants Leg)
오른쪽 발의 두번째 레이어를 켜거나 끈다.
머리의 두번째 레이어를 켜거나 끈다.
주로 사용하는 손
(Main Hand)
주요 손을 왼손/오른손으로 설정한다. 기본은 오른손이다.

음악 및 소리[]

소리 설정 Description
주 음량
(Master Volume)
모든 소리의 음량
게임플레이어 음악의 음량
비와 뇌우의 음량
적대적 생명체
(Hostile Creatures)
적대적 및 중립적 의 음량
플레이어의 음량
주크박스/소리 블록
주크박스소리 블록에서 나오는 음악 및 소리의 음량
블록(모루, 상자, 문 등)의 음량
친화적 생명체
(Friendly Creatures)
수동적인 몹의 음량
동굴 소리폭죽의 음량
마인크래프트의 음성 음량(지도 제작자를 위함)

비디오 설정[]

비디오 설정 설명
  • 화려하게(Fancy) enables higher quality graphic effects. Graphic effects include transparent leaves, increased rain particles, a black vignette around the screen in darker areas, and the world border red warning vignette effect.
  • 빠르게(Fast) disables those effects for better performance.
렌더 거리 렌더 거리는 월드의 청크들을 얼마나 많이 볼 수 있는지 제어한다. 청크가 적을수록 프레임을 빨리 렌더링하여 FPS를 높일 수 있고, 싱글 플레이어에서는 틱틱거리는 청크들에도 영향을 미친다. 그렇게 해서 낮아진 값은 놓은 FPS를 낮춘다.

가장 멀리 있는 지역은 하늘속이나 안개에 의해 희미해짐으로 월드의 끝이 보이는 것을 방지하고, 이 옵션은 '안개'라고 부른다.

64비트 자바 인스톨에서는 12청크가 기본값이고, 32비트 인스톨에서는 8청크가 기본값이다. 1 기가바이트 이상의 메모리가 설치된 64비트 자바 인스톨의 경우 최대 값은 32청크이며 다른 모든 인스톨은 16청크이다.

Note: diameter = radius × 2 + 1

Smooth Lighting Lighting is smoothed across the blocks (ambient occlusion), or each block has a distinctive light level. This setting does not change the gameplay in any way, but it has a slight effect on performance.
Max Framerate Limits the FPS. Limiting the framerate to a multiple of your monitor's refresh rate can save processing power.
View Bobbing Toggles the "bobbing" motion of the camera as the player is walking. Disabling it may increase performance.
GUI Scale Controls the GUI (Graphical User Interface) scale. This also controls the HUD (Heads Up Display) size. Note that the options available to you depend on your game resolution: it will only go up to 4 if you are playing on 1080p, for example.
  • Fancy causes the clouds to be rendered in 3D.
  • Fast causes the clouds to be rendered flat.
  • OFF causes no clouds to be rendered.
Brightness Dims down or lights up the game's surfaces, even if fully dark. It has no effect on gameplay, it is only a visual effect. Works in any dimension and affects the Night Vision status effect.
Particles Allows particles effects such as sprinting particles, falling particles and particles from lava and water drips. Block breaking particles are not affected. In "Minimal" particle setting, rain is silent and hearts appearing around mobs in Love Mode do not appear.
Fullscreen Puts Minecraft into Fullscreen mode, keeping it off keeps it in a window. Can also be changed with F11.
Use VSync Limits your frames per second to the screen's refresh rate, which is usually 60 Hz, 75 Hz on some CRT screens, or 120 to 144 Hz on some gaming-targeted screens. Enabling VSync fixes tearing, but increases input latency and causes stuttering if one's computer cannot draw enough frames per second.
Mipmap Levels The higher the level, the more the textures look "smooth".
Use VBOs Toggles vertex buffer objects. As of 18w44a, VBOs are always used, and as such, this is no longer an option.
Entity Shadows Determines whether entities will display simple shadows.
Attack Indicator
  • OFF No attack indicator renders.
  • Crosshair A little gray translucent bar appears below the crosshair displaying attack power.
  • Hotbar A little gray sword bar appears on the side of the hotbar (on the same side as the player's main hand) displaying attack power.
Fullscreen Resolution Sets the resolution of the game when playing in fullscreen.
Biome Blend Sets a radius for all biomes.


이 부분의 본문은 조작입니다.

From the main Options page, one can click down to Controls for configuring keyboard controls. There are a few additional settings:

Video Setting Description
Invert Mouse Whether the mouse should be inverted vertically.
Sensitivity Mouse sensitivity factor.
Touchscreen mode Enables touchscreen mode, which makes buttons react properly to multiple mouse-down events.
Auto-Jump Enables automatically jumping when you pass near a wall.


이 부분의 본문은 언어입니다.

Allows you to change the language that is viewed by your client.

Option Description
Force Unicode font ON Unicode Font.
OFF Ascii font

대화 설정[]

Option Description
Chat Shown enables your ability to see the chat on a server.
Commands Only allows you to only see the output of commands in the chat.
Hidden hides the chat on all servers.
Colors ON allows you to see the chat in many different colors.
OFF disables this function and only allows you to see the chat in a light gray color.
Web Links ON allows you to see URLs and other links in the chat.
OFF disables this function and blocks all URLs and other links.
Opacity The opacity of the chat.
Prompt on Links ON forces a prompt to appear on your screen whenever you click on a URL to makes sure that you wish to exit Minecraft and head to the website.
OFF turns the prompt off.
Scale How large the chat is shown.
Focused Height The max height that the chat is allowed to appear when in focus (chat input and history open).
Unfocused Height The max height that the chat is allowed to appear normally (chat input and history closed).
Width The max width that the chat may appear.
Reduced Debug Info Toggles reduced information on the debug screen.

서버 설정[]

Option Description
Server Resource Packs Allows Minecraft to download resource packs from the server.

리소스 팩[]

Allows you to change your resource pack settings.

접근성 설정[]

Option Description
Narrator Toggles whether the narrator will narrate all text, text in chat only, or text in menus only.
Show Subtitles Toggles whether subtitles will be shown.
Text Background Opacity The opacity of the background behind text
Text Background Toggles whether the background behind text is restricted to chat or used everywhere.
Opacity The opacity of the chat.
Auto-Jump Enables automatically jumping when you pass near a wall.

베드락 에디션[]


Option Description
Username Changes your public username (locked if signed in to Realms; can be changed through Xbox Live).
Sound Volume Choose the level of sound volume.
Difficulty Select difficulty (Total of 4 Difficulties, same as Java Edition).
Third person view Toggles third person view.
Multiplayer Game Allow users to join the server.
Broadcast to LAN Allow local users to join the server.
Broadcast to Xbox Live Allow friends from Xbox Live to the join the server
실험적 게임 플레이 실행 가능한 베드락 에디션의 실험적 업데이트 요소. 만약 이 설정을 키고 맵에 들어가면, 앞에 '[EX]'가 붙으면서 맵이 복사(백업)된다. 이 설정은 다시 끌 수 없으며 복사를 안하면서 킬 수도 없다.


Option Description
Sensitivity Changes the sensitivity of the camera when turning.
Invert Y-Axis Toggles inversion of camera when looking up/down.
Lefty Toggles the D-pad being on the left/right side of the screen.
Split controls Chooses whether to use the touchscreen to interact throughout the screen or use a crosshair.
Swap Jump and Sneak Chooses whether to swap the position of jump and sneak buttons.
Button size Changes the size of the buttons. Smaller buttons allow extra slots for the hotbar.
Auto Jump Toggles the auto-jump feature.
Keyboard Layout Chooses whether what keyboard layout will be used.
Controller Layout Changes the action of buttons when pressed in a controller.


Option Description
Destroy block (vibrate) Toggles vibration when destroying blocks. (Android only).


Option Description
Brightness Adjusts the brightness of the game.
Render Distance Changes the render distance of the terrain, and also affects the render distance of foliage such as transparent leaves, crops and animated textures. Available in 2-10 sections on the slider, ranging from 5-150 chunks (depending on the device).
FOV Changes the field of view.
View Bobbing Chooses whether to show the bobbing when walking.
Fancy Graphics Toggles fancy graphics.
Note that clouds on fast graphics remain volumetric but become opaque.
Fancy Leaves Toggles transparent leaves.
Particle Render Distance Controls the distance for which particles like TNT explosions can be seen from.
Beautiful skies Toggles the sun, moon, clouds, stars and sky color.
Smooth lighting Toggles smooth lighting.
Animated water Toggles animated texture for water, lava and fire.
Anti Aliasing Toggles the amount of anti aliasing, which smooths the image and removes jagged edges.
  • 2x MSAA
  • 4x MSAA
  • 8x MSAA
Texel Anti Aliasing Applies anti aliasing to the textures withing the blocks, giving them a smoother look.


Option Description
Hide GUI Toggles if the HUD is displayed.
Limit worlds Toggles whether a world is infinite or compressed to a 256x256 block area
(Only available on supported low-end devices).

UI Profile

Changes the game UI style between classic (desktop UI) and Pocket UI.

콘솔 에디션[]

Option Description
Change Skin Allows users to change into a skin of their choosing, provided that it was already bought beforehand.
How To Play Gives the player information on the basics of Minecraft, such as the controls, basic crafting recipes, and how to survive your first night.
Credits Opens the credits.


이 부분의 본문은 조작입니다.

A few settings are shown.

Video setting Description
Reset to Defaults Resets the controls to their original configuration.
Invert Look Toggles inversion of camera when looking up and down.
Southpaw Toggles a swap of the left and right analog controls.


Pressing "Reset to Defaults" will reset all settings to their original configuration.

게임 설정[]

Video setting Description
Vertical Splitscreen Toggles whether splitscreen should be vertical or horizontal.
Auto Jump Enables automatically jumping when you pass near a wall.
View Bobbing Toggles the "bobbing" motion of the camera as the player is walking.
Flying View Rolling
Hints Toggles whether hints are shown in-game.
Death Messages Toggles whether death messages are shown.
Game Sensitivity The higher the percentage, the more sensitive the controls are.


Video setting Description
Music The volume of gameplay music.
Sound The volume of all sounds.
Cave Sounds Toggles whether cave sounds will play.
Minecart Sounds Toggles whether minecart sounds will play.


Video setting Description
Render Clouds Toggles whether clouds will be rendered.
Custom Skin Animation Toggles whether custom skin animations will render.
Gamma The higher the gamma, the brighter the image.

사용자 인터페이스[]

Video setting Description
Display HUD Toggles whether the HUD will be displayed in-game.
Display Hand Toggles whether the hand will be displayed in-game.
Display Game Messages Toggles whether game messages will be shown upon loading a world.
Display Save Icon Toggles whether the save icon will be displayed upon saving the game, whether manually or automatically.
Interface Opacity The opacity of the interface.
In-Game Tooltips Toggles whether tooltips are shown.
Animated Character Toggles whether an animated character will be shown in the top left.
Interface Sensitivity The higher the number, the more sensitive the interface is.
In-Game user's Mii Toggles whether a user's Mii will display as their nickname.‌[Wii U, Nintendo Switch Edition 전용]
Splitscreen Nicknames Toggles whether nicknames will be shown in splitscreen.
Classic Crafting Toggles whether classic crafting will be used.
HUD Size The size of the HUD.
HUD Size (Splitscreen) Same as above, but for splitscreen.

렌더 거리[]

Render distance varies depending on device and the number of players on the same console. Note that the implementation of fog is different on console, giving the appearance of a higher render distance at the cost of pop in.

Console Render distance
1P Mode 2P Mode 3P Mode 4P Mode
PS4 18 chunks 12 chunks 10 chunks 9 chunks
Xbox One
PS3 10 chunks 7 chunks 6 chunks 5 chunks
Xbox 360
Wii U
Switch (Docked)
Switch (Handheld) 7 chunks 5 chunks 4 chunks 3 chunks
PS Vita 5 chunks N/A N/A N/A

호스트 권한[]

이 부분의 본문은 Host privileges입니다.
파일:Console Game Options.jpeg

Legacy Console Edition game options screen.

Host Privileges enable players to change world options. It is equivalent to enabling Cheats on the Java/Bedrock/Education Edition. Note: Enabling this option makes achievements and trophies be disabled permanently on the world. Host privileges enable the host to change weather, gamemode, teleport, fly, become invisible, disable exhaustion and change gamerules (daylight and weather cycle, keep inventory, mob spawning, mob griefing).

뉴 닌텐도 3DS 에디션[]

Option Description
Patch Notes Shows the latest patch notes available
Select Language Allows the user to select the language
Credits Opens the credits


Video setting Description
Sensitivity The higher the bar, the more sensitive the controls are.
Auto Jump Enables automatically jumping when you pass near a wall.
Invert Y-Axis Toggles inversion of camera when looking up and down.


Video setting Description
Brightness The higher the brightness, the brighter the image.
View Bobbing Toggles the "bobbing" motion of the camera as the player is walking.


Video setting Description
Sound Volume The volume of all sounds.
Music The volume of gameplay music.


참고 : 이 동영상은 자바 에디션 1.5에 나온 것으로, 현재의 설정이 모두 들어 있지 않다.


Java Edition 클래식
0.0.12aNew fog distance option.
Pressing F cycles between four levels of render distance.
0.0.23aAdded the options page.
New custom keymappings.
Java Edition 베타
1.3Smooth lighting was added.
1.8?The Brightness setting was added, teased earlier that July.[1]
Java Edition
1.0.0Beta 1.9 Prerelease 5The Clouds setting was added (however, texture packs were able to remove them before this option was introduced).
1.3.112w21aThe options menu was improved with a new "Chat Settings" menu.
1.4.212w34aAdded new Full-screen toggle to the Video settings.
Added new use Vsync toggle in the Video settings.
1.4.6preAdded an option to toggle touchscreen mode.
1.513w09bMoved Texture Packs setting from the main menu to the options menu.
1.7.213w36aThe options menu was revamped, including a brand new layout, new key binds and a "Super Secret Settings" button in the menu.
13w36bThe "Super Secret Settings" button now plays a random sound when clicked.
13w38aThe "Super Secret Settings" button now creates a shader effect on the game's display, in the following order: FXAA, Art, Bumpy, Blobs_2, Pencil, Color_Convolve, Deconverge, Flip, Invert, NTSC, Outline, Phosphor, Scan_Pincushion, Sobel, Bits, Desaturate, Green, Blur, Wobble, Blobs, Antialias, Default.
Replaced the render distance "cycle" button with a slider ranging from 2 to 16 chunks.
Added a max framerate slider option.
Added mipmapping and anisotropic filtering.
1.7.413w47aAdded "Twitch Broadcast Settings" and "Twitch Chat Settings" buttons.
1.7.6pre1Server Resource Packs option is now per-server, and has three settings: Prompt, Enabled, and Disabled.
The minimum FOV setting is now 30 rather than 70.
1.8?The render distance slider now goes to 32 on machines running 64-bit Java with at least 1 gigabyte of available memory.
14w25aDropped items now always render in 3D, rather then just while on fancy graphics
1.8.1pre4The option to enable entity shadows is now controlled separately from the standard fast and fancy graphics.
The cloud's "fast" and "fancy" shape are controlled by the same option which enables clouds, rather then by the standard fast and fancy graphics.
1.915w31aRemoved "Super Secret Settings" and "Broadcast Settings".
Removed Alternate Blocks from video settings.
Added "Main Hand" to the skin settings.
15w34aAdded "Attack Indicator" to the video settings.
16w02aAdded "Voice/Speech" to the music & sound settings.
May 25, 2018Removed "Snooper Settings" in order to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation.
1.1317w43aRemoved "3D Anaglyph" from video settings.
Added an option to change the full-screen resolution.
17w47aOptions when editing a world to make a backup and open the backups folder.
An option in chat settings to toggle automatic command suggestions (defaults on, otherwise hit tab to bring them up).
pre6Removed "force unicode font" option.
pre8Re-added "force unicode font" option.
pre10Option Fullscreen resolution capitalization changed to Fullscreen Resolution.
1.1418w44aRemoved "Use VBOs" from video settings. VBOs are now always used.
19w11aAdded "Accessibility Settings".
19w11bAdded "Auto-Jump" to accessibility settings.
Pocket Edition 알파
0.2.1Added split screen option.
0.4.0Added option for peaceful mode.
0.7.0Redesigned options menu. There are now four sections in the menu, game, controls, graphics, and sound.
0.8.0build 2Removed option for smooth lighting. It is now always on. When it was reimplemented is unknown.
Added far (256 blocks) and farthest (400 blocks) render distances. Default is now far.
By default, fancy graphics is now on.
0.9.3View distance on Android is no longer limited to 3 sliders.
0.10.0build 1Added the brightness slider. It is located in the graphics menu.
0.11.0build 1Worlds can now be renamed.
Gamemode can be changed in the world edit menu.
On creative mode worlds the daylight cycle can be locked to day.
0.12.1build 1Added option to swap jump and sneak.
0.13.0build 1Multiplayer can now be disabled in the options menu.
0.13.1Removed sound section in the options menu. The volume slider is now in the Game section.
On the title screen the options icon is no longer a wrench.
Made the options icon slightly bigger.
0.16.0build 1Redesigned options screen.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0alpha an option to change UI profiles between classic and pocket UI.
1.1.0alpha UI now repositions the health, hunger, oxygen and armor bars to above the hotbar instead of the top of the screen, making it like Java edition and Legacy console edition.

함께 보기[]

참조 링크[]
