Minecraft Wiki
이 문서는 아직 외국어인 부분이 상당히 많거나, 한국어를 찾아보기가 힘듭니다. 
여러분들이 번역을 도와주시면 위키에 큰 도움이 됩니다.
TIP : 도움말:번역 지침을 참고해주세요.
Disambig color 이 문서는 최신 PC 버전 Minecraft의 데이터 값에 관한 것입니다. 클래식 버전의 데이터 값에 대해서는 데이터 값 (클래식) 문서를 참조하십시오. Pocket Edition의 데이터 값에 대해서는 데이터 값 (Pocket Edition) 문서를 참조하십시오.

데이터 값은 서로 다른 아이템이나 블록을 식별할 수 있도록 해준다. 이 값은 Minecraft에서 아주 많이 사용되는 것이다. 블록 ID는 블록이나 아이템화되어 상자나 보관함에 저장되어있거나 드롭된 것들을 나타낸다. 그리고 아이템 ID는 아이템의 형태로만 존재하는 것들을 나타낸다. 또한 블록 데이터는 블록의 속성을 결정하는데, 예를 들면 물의 높이라던지 횃불의 방향을 정할 수 있다.


그림으로 보는 데이터 값


이 값은 보관함 아이템과 맵 상에 놓은 블록에 공통으로 적용된다.

D 맵 세이브에 데이터를 부가적으로 저장하는 블록
I 보관함 아이템과 ID가 다른 블록
B 아이템의 데미지 필드에 데이터를 추가적으로 저장하는 블록
T 데이터를 유지하기 위해 타일 개체가 필요한 블록
빨간색 정상적인 방법으로는 얻을 수 없고 /give 커맨드나 보관함 에디터를 이용해 얻을 수 있음.
하늘색 절대 얻을 수 없음.
파란색 크리에이티브 모드의 아이템 목록에서 얻을 수 있음.
보라색 크리에이티브 모드의 블록 선택으로 얻을 수 있음.
청록색 마을 주민과의 거래나 크리에이티브 모드를 통해 얻을 수 있음.
초록색 마법 부여된 도구나 크리에이티브 모드를 통해 얻을 수 있음.
연두색 마법 부여된 도구를 통해 얻을 수 있지만 크리에이티브 모드로는 얻을 수 없음.
회색 사용되지 않는 데이터.

블록 ID[]

아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
0 0 minecraft:air 공기
1 1 minecraft:stone
2 2 minecraft:grass 잔디 블록
3 3 minecraft:dirt D B
4 4 minecraft:cobblestone 조약돌
5 5 minecraft:planks 목재 D B
6 6 minecraft:sapling 묘목 D B
7 7 minecraft:bedrock 기반암
Water 8 8 minecraft:flowing_water D
Water 9 9 minecraft:water 정적인 D
Lava 10 A minecraft:flowing_lava 용암 D
Lava 11 B minecraft:lava 정적인 용암 D
12 C minecraft:sand 모래 D B
13 D minecraft:gravel 자갈
14 E minecraft:gold_ore 금광석
15 F minecraft:iron_ore 철광석
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
16 10 minecraft:coal_ore 석탄 광석
17 11 minecraft:log 나무 D B
18 12 minecraft:leaves * D B
19 13 minecraft:sponge 스펀지
20 14 minecraft:glass 유리
21 15 minecraft:lapis_ore 청금석 원석
22 16 minecraft:lapis_block 청금석 블록
23 17 minecraft:dispenser 발사기 D T
24 18 minecraft:sandstone 사암 D B
25 19 minecraft:noteblock 노트 블록 T
26 1A minecraft:bed 침대 D I
27 1B minecraft:golden_rail 파워 레일 D
28 1C minecraft:detector_rail 디텍터 레일 D
29 1D minecraft:sticky_piston 끈끈이 피스톤 D
30 1E minecraft:web 거미줄
31 1F minecraft:tallgrass 잔디 D B
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
32 20 minecraft:deadbush 고사리
33 21 minecraft:piston 피스톤 D
34 22 minecraft:piston_head 피스톤 확장 D
35 23 minecraft:wool 양털 D B
Technical blocks 36 24 minecraft:piston_extension 피스톤에 의한 블록 T
37 25 minecraft:yellow_flower 민들레
38 26 minecraft:red_flower 양귀비 D B
39 27 minecraft:brown_mushroom 갈색 버섯
40 28 minecraft:red_mushroom 버섯#빨간 버섯
41 29 minecraft:gold_block 금 블록
42 2A minecraft:iron_block 철 블록
43 2B minecraft:double_stone_slab 더블 돌 반 블록 D B
44 2C minecraft:stone_slab 반 블록 D B
45 2D minecraft:brick_block 벽돌
46 2E minecraft:tnt TNT
47 2F minecraft:bookshelf 책장
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
48 30 minecraft:mossy_cobblestone 이끼 낀 돌
49 31 minecraft:obsidian 흑요석
50 32 minecraft:torch 횃불 D
51 33 minecraft:fire D
52 34 minecraft:mob_spawner 몬스터 생성기 T
53 35 minecraft:oak_stairs 참나무 계단 D
54 36 minecraft:chest 상자 D T
Redstone (Wire,Inventory) 55 37 minecraft:redstone_wire 레드스톤 와이어 D I
56 38 minecraft:diamond_ore 다이아몬드 원석
57 39 minecraft:diamond_block 다이아몬드 블록
58 3A minecraft:crafting_table 작업대
59 3B minecraft:wheat D
60 3C minecraft:farmland 경작지 D
61 3D minecraft:furnace 화로 D T
Furnace (Active) 62 3E minecraft:lit_furnace 불타는 화로 D T
Sign 63 3F minecraft:standing_sign 표지판 D I T
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
Wooden Door 64 40 minecraft:wooden_door 나무문 D I
65 41 minecraft:ladder 사다리 D
66 42 minecraft:rail 레일 D
67 43 minecraft:stone_stairs 석재 계단 D
Wall Sign 68 44 minecraft:wall_sign 표지판 D T
69 45 minecraft:lever 레버 D
70 46 minecraft:stone_pressure_plate 감압판 D
Iron Door 71 47 minecraft:iron_door 철문 D I
72 48 minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate 나무 감압판 D
Redstone (Ore) 73 49 minecraft:redstone_ore 레드스톤 광석
Redstone (Ore) 74 4A minecraft:lit_redstone_ore 빛나는 레드스톤 광석
Redstone (Torch, Inactive) 75 4B 레드스톤 횃불 (비활성화) D
Redstone (Torch, Active) 76 4C minecraft:redstone_torch 레드스톤 횃불 (활성화) D
77 4D minecraft:stone_button 버튼 D
78 4E minecraft:snow_layer D
79 4F minecraft:ice 얼음
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
80 50 minecraft:snow
81 51 minecraft:cactus 선인장 D
82 52 minecraft:clay 점토
83 53 minecraft:reeds 사탕수수 D I
84 54 minecraft:jukebox 주크박스 D T
85 55 minecraft:fence 울타리
86 56 minecraft:pumpkin 호박 D
87 57 minecraft:netherrack 네더랙
88 58 minecraft:soul_sand 영혼 모래
89 59 minecraft:glowstone 발광석
90 5A minecraft:portal 네더 차원문
91 5B minecraft:lit_pumpkin 잭 오 랜턴 D
92 5C minecraft:cake 케이크 블록 D I
Redstone (Repeater, Inactive) 93 5D minecraft:unpowered_repeater 레드스톤 중계기 (비활성화) D I
Redstone (Repeater, Active) 94 5E minecraft:powered_repeater 레드스톤 중계기 (활성화) D I
95 5F minecraft:stained_glass 스테인드 유리
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
96 60 minecraft:trapdoor 다락문 D
97 61 minecraft:monster_egg 몬스터 알 D
98 62 minecraft:stonebrick 석재 벽돌 D B
99 63 minecraft:brown_mushroom_block 갈색 거대 버섯 D
100 64 minecraft:red_mushroom_block 빨간 거대 버섯 D
Iron Bars 101 65 minecraft:iron_bars 철창
Glass Pane 102 66 minecraft:glass_pane 유리창
103 67 minecraft:melon_block 수박
Seed Stem 104 68 minecraft:pumpkin_stem 호박 줄기 D
Seed Stem 105 69 minecraft:melon_stem 수박 줄기 D
106 6A minecraft:vine 덩굴 D
107 6B minecraft:fence_gate 울타리 문 D
108 6C minecraft:brick_stairs 벽돌 계단 D
109 6D minecraft:stone_brick_stairs 석재 벽돌 계단 D
110 6E minecraft:mycelium 균사체
111 6F minecraft:waterlily 연꽃잎
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
112 70 minecraft:nether_brick 네더 벽돌
113 71 minecraft:nether_brick_fence 네더 벽돌 울타리
114 72 minecraft:nether_brick_stairs 네더 벽돌 계단 D
115 73 minecraft:nether_wart 네더 와트 D I
116 74 minecraft:enchanting_table 인챈트 테이블 T
Brewing Stand 117 75 minecraft:brewing_stand 양조기 D T I
Cauldron 118 76 minecraft:cauldron 가마솥 D I
End Portal 119 77 minecraft:end_portal 엔더 차원문 T
120 78 minecraft:end_portal_frame 엔더 차원문 블록 D
121 79 minecraft:end_stone 엔드 스톤
122 7A minecraft:dragon_egg 드래곤 알
123 7B minecraft:redstone_lamp 레드스톤 조명 (비활성화)
124 7C minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp 레드스톤 조명 (활성화)
125 7D minecraft:double_wooden_slab 나무 더블 반 블록 D B
126 7E minecraft:wooden_slab 나무 반 블록 D B
Cocoa Plant 127 7F 코코아 D I
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
128 80 minecraft:sandstone_stairs 사암 계단 D
129 81 minecraft:emerald_ore 에메랄드 원석
130 82 minecraft:ender_chest 엔더 상자 D T
131 83 minecraft:tripwire_hook 철사덫 갈고리 D
132 84 minecraft:tripwire 철사덫 D I
133 85 minecraft:emerald_block 에메랄드 블록
134 86 minecraft:spruce_stairs 가문비나무 계단 D
135 87 minecraft:birch_stairs 자작나무 계단 D
136 88 minecraft:jungle_stairs 정글 나무 계단 D
137 89 minecraft:command_block 커맨드 블록 T
138 8A minecraft:beacon 신호기 T
139 8B minecraft:cobblestone_wall 조약돌 담장 D B
140 8C minecraft:flower_pot 화분 D I
141 8D minecraft:carrots 당근 D I
142 8E minecraft:potatoes 감자 D I
143 8F minecraft:wooden_button 나무 버튼 D
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
144 90 minecraft:skull 몹 머리 D T I
145 91 minecraft:anvil 모루 D B
146 92 minecraft:trapped_chest 덫 상자 D T
Weighted Pressure Plate (Light) 147 93 minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate 무게 감압판 (경형) D
Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy) 148 94 minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate 무게 감압판 (중형) D
Redstone Comparator (inactive) 149 95 minecraft:unpowered_comparator 레드스톤 비교기 (비활성화, 활성화) D I
Redstone Comparator (active) 150 96 (사용되지 않음)
151 97 minecraft:daylight_detector 햇빛 감지기 T
152 98 minecraft:redstone_block 레드스톤 블록
153 99 minecraft:quartz_ore 네더 석영 원석
154 9A minecraft:hopper 호퍼 D T
155 9B minecraft:quartz_block 석영 블록 D B
156 9C minecraft:quartz_stairs 석영 계단 D
157 9D minecraft:activator_rail 활성화 레일 D
158 9E minecraft:dropper 공급기 D T
159 9F minecraft:stained_hardened_clay 염색된 점토 D B
아이콘 Dec Hex 이름 블록
160 A0 minecraft:stained_glass_pane 스테인드 유리창 D
161 A1 minecraft:leaves2 잎 (아카시아/짙은 참나무) D B
162 A2 minecraft:log2 나무 (아카시아/짙은 참나무) D B
163 A3 minecraft:acacia_stairs 아카시아 나무 계단 D
164 A4 minecraft:dark_oak_stairs 짙은 참나무 계단 D
165 A5 (사용되지 않음)
166 A6 (사용되지 않음)
167 A7 (사용되지 않음)
168 A8 (사용되지 않음)
169 A9 (사용되지 않음)
170 AA minecraft:hay_block 건초 블록 D
171 AB minecraft:carpet 카펫 D B
172 AC minecraft:hardened_clay 굳은 점토
173 AD minecraft:coal_block 석탄 블록
174 AE minecraft:packed_ice 단단한 얼음
175 AF minecraft:double_plant 큰 꽃 D B

아이템 ID[]

블록 ID와 쉽게 구분짓기 위해 아이템 ID는 모두 255 이상이다. D 표시가 붙은 아이템은 데이터가 부가적으로 필요하다. 서바이벌 모드에서 사슬 방어구 세트는 주민과의 거래나 스켈레톤/좀비 사냥, 해킹, /give 커맨드로 획득할 수 있다. 크리에이티브 모드에서는 아이템 리스트에서 꺼낼 수 있다.

아이콘 Dec Hex 아이템
256 100
257 101 곡괭이
258 102 도끼
259 103 라이터
260 104 사과
261 105
262 106 화살
263 107 석탄 D
264 108 다이아몬드
265 109 철괴
266 10A 금괴
267 10B
268 10C 나무
269 10D 나무 삽
270 10E 나무 곡괭이
271 10F 나무 도끼
272 110
273 111 돌 삽
274 112 돌 곡괭이
275 113 돌 도끼
276 114 다이아몬드 검
277 115 다이아몬드 삽
278 116 다이아몬드 곡괭이
279 117 다이아몬드 도끼
280 118 막대기
281 119 그릇
282 11A 버섯 스튜
283 11B
284 11C 금 삽
285 11D 금 곡괭이
286 11E 금 도끼
287 11F
288 120 깃털
289 121 화약
아이콘 Dec Hex 아이템
290 122 나무 괭이
291 123 돌 괭이
292 124 철 괭이
293 125 다이아몬드 괭이
294 126 금 괭이
295 127 씨앗
296 128
297 129
298 12A 가죽 모자
299 12B 가죽 튜닉
300 12C 가죽 바지
301 12D 가죽 부츠
302 12E 사슬 투구
303 12F 사슬 갑옷
304 130 사슬 레깅스
305 131 사슬 부츠
306 132 철 투구
307 133 철 갑옷
308 134 철 레깅스
309 135 철 부츠
310 136 다이아몬드 투구
311 137 다이아몬드 갑옷
312 138 다이아몬드 레깅스
313 139 다이아몬드 부츠
314 13A 금 투구
315 13B 금 갑옷
316 13C 금 레깅스
317 13D 금 부츠
318 13E 부싯돌
319 13F 익히지 않은 돼지고기
320 140 구운 돼지고기
321 141 그림
322 142 황금사과 D
323 143 표지판
아이콘 Dec Hex 아이템
324 144 나무
325 145 양동이
326 146 물 양동이
327 147 용암 양동이
328 148 마인카트
329 149 안장
330 14A
331 14B 레드스톤
332 14C 눈덩이
333 14D 보트
334 14E 가죽
335 14F 우유
336 150 벽돌
337 151 점토
338 152 사탕수수
339 153 종이
340 154
341 155 슬라임 볼
342 156 상자 카트
343 157 화로 카트
344 158 달걀
345 159 나침반
346 15A 낚싯대
347 15B 시계
348 15C 발광석 가루
349 15D 익히지 않은 생선
350 15E 익힌 생선
351 15F 먹물 D
352 160
353 161 설탕
354 162 케이크
355 163 침대
356 164 레드스톤 중계기
357 165 쿠키
아이콘 Dec Hex 아이템
358 166 지도
359 167 가위
360 168 수박
361 169 호박씨
362 16A 수박씨
363 16B 익히지 않은 소고기
364 16C 스테이크
365 16D 익히지 않은 닭고기
366 16E 구운 닭고기
367 16F 썩은 고기
368 170 엔더 진주
369 171 블레이즈의 막대
370 172 가스트 눈물
371 173 금 조각
372 174 네더 와트
373 175 포션 D
374 176 유리병
375 177 거미 눈
376 178 발효된 거미 눈
377 179 블레이즈 가루
378 17A 마그마 크림
379 17B 양조기
380 17C 가마솥
381 17D 엔더의 눈
382 17E 반짝이는 수박
383 17F 스폰 알* D
384 180 인챈트 병
385 181 화염구
386 182 책과 깃펜
387 183 쓰여진 책
388 184 에메랄드
389 185 아이템 액자
390 186 화분
391 187 당근
아이콘 Dec Hex 아이템
392 188 감자
393 189 구운 감자
394 18A 독이 있는 감자
395 18B 빈 지도
396 18C 황금 당근
397 18D 머리 D
398 18E 당근 낚싯대
399 18F 네더의 별
400 190 호박 파이
401 191 폭죽 로켓
402 192 폭죽 탄약
403 193 인챈트된 책
404 194 레드스톤 비교기
405 195 네더 벽돌
406 196 네더 석영
407 197 TNT 카트
408 198 호퍼 카트
417 1A1 철 말 갑옷
418 1A2 금 말 갑옷
419 1A3 다이아몬드 말 갑옷
420 1A4
421 1A5 이름표
2256 8D0 음반 C418 - 13
2257 8D1 음반 C418 - Cat
2258 8D2 음반 C418 - blocks
2259 8D3 음반 C418 - chirp
2260 8D4 음반 C418 - far
2261 8D5 음반 C418 - mall
2262 8D6 음반 C418 - mellohi
2263 8D7 음반 C418 - stal
2264 8D8 음반 C418 - strad
2265 8D9 음반 C418 - ward
2266 8DA 음반 C418 - 11
2267 8DB 음반 C418 - wait

개체 ID[]

Id Hex 아이템 개체 세이브게임 ID
1 1 - 떨어진 아이템 Item
2 2 - 경험치 구슬 XPOrb
8 8 - 매듭 LeashKnot
9 9 - 그림 Painting
18 12 - 아이템 액자 ItemFrame
10 A - 발사된 화살 Arrow
11 B - 던져진 눈덩이 Snowball
12 C - 가스트의 화염구 Fireball
13 D - 블레이즈의 화염구 SmallFireball
14 E - 던져진 엔더 진주 ThrownEnderpearl
15 F - 던져진 엔더의 눈 EyeOfEnderSignal
16 10 - 던져진 투척용 포션 ThrownPotion
17 11 - 던져진 인챈트 병 ThrownExpBottle
19 13 - 위더의 머리 WitherSkull
22 16 - 폭죽 로켓 FireworksRocketEntity
20 14 - 점화된 TNT PrimedTnt
21 15 - 떨어지는 블록 (자갈,
모래, 모루, 드래곤 알)
이동 수단
41 29 - 보트 Boat
42 2A - 마인카트 MinecartRideable
43 2B - 상자 카트 MinecartChest
44 2C - 화로 카트 MinecartFurnace
45 2D - TNT 카트 MinecartTNT
46 2E - 호퍼 카트 MinecartHopper
47 2F - 생성기 카트 MinecartSpawner
48 30 - - Mob
49 31 - - 몬스터 Monster
Id Hex 아이콘 아이템 개체 세이브게임 ID
적대적 몹
50 32 Grid Spawn Creeper 크리퍼 Creeper
51 33
Grid Spawn Skeleton 파일:Grid Wither Skeleton Spawn Egg 스켈레톤
위더 스켈레톤
52 34 Grid Spawn Spider 거미 Spider
53 35 - 거인 Giant
54 36 Grid Spawn Zombie 좀비 Zombie
55 37 Grid Spawn Slime 슬라임 Slime
56 38 Grid Spawn Ghast 가스트 Ghast
57 39 Grid Spawn Pig Zombie 좀비 피그맨 PigZombie
58 3A Grid Spawn Enderman 엔더맨 Enderman
59 3B Grid Spawn Cave Spider 동굴 거미 CaveSpider
60 3C Grid Spawn Silverfish 좀벌레 Silverfish
61 3D Grid Spawn Blaze 블레이즈 Blaze
62 3E Grid Spawn Magma Cube 마그마 큐브 LavaSlime
63 3F - 엔더 드래곤 EnderDragon
64 40 - 위더 WitherBoss
66 42 Grid Spawn Witch 마녀 Witch
친화적 몹
65 41 Grid Spawn Bat 박쥐 Bat
90 5A Grid Spawn Pig 돼지 Pig
91 5B Grid Spawn Sheep Sheep
92 5C Grid Spawn Cow Cow
93 5D Grid Spawn Chicken Chicken
94 5E Grid Spawn Squid 오징어 Squid
95 5F Grid Spawn Wolf 늑대 Wolf
96 60 Grid Spawn Mooshroom 버섯소 MushroomCow
97 61 - 눈사람 SnowMan
98 62 Grid Spawn Ocelot 오실롯 Ozelot
99 63 - 철 골렘 VillagerGolem
100 64 Grid Spawn Horse EntityHorse
120 78 Grid Spawn Villager 주민 Villager
200 C8 - 엔더 크리스탈 EnderCrystal

알림: 위 리스트에 있는 알은 크리에이티브 모드에서 사용할 수 있다. 알과 개체 ID가 일치하지 않을 때 그 알은 회색(파일:Spawn Egg.png)이며 아무것도 스폰되지 않는다.

생물 군계 ID[]

Biomes have been present in Minecraft since the Halloween Update, and the Biome ID is included in the Anvil file format since [[|Minecraft 1.2]]. The Biome ID for worlds stored in the older McRegion file format is calculated on the fly, which could lead to a discrepancy between the earlier generated world, and the features (such as grass color, snow) based on the calculated biome IDs.

Dec 생물 군계
0 Ocean
1 Plains
2 Desert
3 Extreme Hills
4 Forest
5 Taiga
6 Swampland
7 River
8 Nether
9 End
10 Frozen Ocean
11 Frozen River
12 Ice Plains
13 Ice Mountains
14 Mushroom Island
15 Mushroom Island Shore
16 Beach
17 Desert Hills
18 Forest Hills
19 Taiga Hills
20 Extreme Hills Edge
21 Jungle
22 Jungle Hills
127 The Void
-1 (Uncalculated)

인챈트 ID[]

/enchant 커맨드로 사용한다.

ID 인챈트 인챈트할 수 있는 아이템
0 보호 갑옷
1 화염으로부터 보호 갑옷
2 가벼운 착지 부츠
3 폭발로부터 보호 갑옷
4 발사체로부터 보호 갑옷
5 호흡 투구
6 친수성 투구
7 가시 갑옷
16 날카로움 검, 도끼
17 강타 검, 도끼
18 살충 검, 도끼
19 밀치기
20 화염
21 약탈
32 효율 곡괭이, 삽, 도끼, 가위
33 섬세한 손길 곡괭이, 삽, 도끼, 가위
34 내구성 내구도가 있는 모든 아이템
35 행운 곡괭이, 삽, 도끼
49 밀어내기
50 화염
51 무한
61 바다의 행운 낚싯대
62 미끼 낚싯대

상태 효과[]

/effect 로 사용한다.

아이콘 이름 In source code 파티클 색
1 Speed(신속) potion.moveSpeed 0x7cafc6
2 Slowness(구속) potion.moveSlowdown 0x5a6c81
3 Haste(성급함) potion.digSpeed 0xd9c043
4 Mining Fatigue(피로) potion.digSlowDown 0x4a4217
5 Strength(힘) potion.damageBoost 0x932423
- 6 Instant Health(즉시 회복) potion.heal 0xf82423
- 7 Instant Damage(즉시 데미지) potion.harm 0x430a09
8 Jump Boost(점프 강화) potion.jump 0x786297
9 Nausea(멀미) potion.confusion 0x551d4a
10 Regeneration(회복) potion.regeneration 0xcd5cab
11 Resistance(저항) potion.resistance 0x99453a
12 Fire Resistance(화염 저항) potion.fireResistance 0xe49a3a
13 Water Breathing(수중 호흡) potion.waterBreathing 0x2e5299
14 Invisibility(투명화) potion.invisibility 0x7f8392
15 Blindness(실명) potion.blindness 0x1f1f23
16 Night vision(야간 투시) potion.nightVision 0x1f1fa1
17 Hunger(허기) potion.hunger 0x587653
18 Weakness(나약함) potion.weakness 0x484d48
19 Poison(독) potion.poison 0x4e9331
20 Wither(위더) potion.wither 0x352a27


어떤 블록이나 아이템의 타입을 나타내는 데이터이다. 레벨 포맷에 따라 저장형식이 다르다.

블록 10진수 16진수 용도
목재 0-3 0-3 목재 텍스쳐/회전
0-15 0-F Age in some fraction of a second
0-3 0-3 잎 텍스쳐
주크박스 0-12 0-C 주크박스 안의 디스크
묘목 0-15 0-F 나이(크기) / 나무 종류
선인장 0-15 0-F 나이(크기)
사탕수수 0-15 0-F 나이(크기)
물과 용암 0-15 0-F Fluid 레벨
/경작지 0-8 0-8 젖음의 유무
Crops 0-7 0-7 Crop 크기
네더 와트 0-3 0-3 네더 와트 크기
호박과 멜론 줄기 0-7 0-7 자란 정도
양털 0-15 0-F
염료 0-15 0-F 염료 색
횃불과 레드스톤 횃불 0-5 0-5 횃불의 설치 위치
레일 (기본, 파워, 디텍터) 0-9 0-9 레일 경사, 방향, 파워(전기 신호)
계단 0-3 0-3 계단 방향
레버 6-14 6-E 레버 방향과 작동 유무
0-15 0-F 달려 있는 모서리 위치와 개방/잠금 유무
버튼 0-15 0-F 버튼 방향
표지판 0-15 0-F 표지판 방향
사다리, 벽 표지판, 화로, 상자 2-5 2-5 방향
발사기, 공급기, 호퍼 0-5 0-5 방향
호박과 잭 오 랜턴 0-5 0-5 호박 방향
갑압판 0-1 0-1 눌렀을 때 어떤지(반응)
석탄 0-1 0-1 석탄의 종류(석탄/목탄)
Tools and Armor 재질에 따라 다름 내구도가 감소한 량
반 블록 0-3 0-3 발판의 종류
0-15 0-F 블록의 높이
케이크 0-5 0-5 먹은 량
침대 0-3, 8-11 0-3, 8-B 방향과 위/아래
레드스톤 리피터 0-15 0-F 뱡향과 딜레이(틱)
레드스톤 전선 0-15 0-F 파워(전력) 단계
잔디 0-2 0-2 겉모습 (잔디, 고사리, 모습)
다락문 0-7 0-7 방향과 "돌아간" 위치
피스톤 0-5, 8-13 0-5, 8-D 방향과 "확장된" 위치
끈끈이 피스톤 0-5, 8-13 0-5, 8-D 방향과 "들러붙는" 위치
석재 벽돌 0-3 0-3 Stronghold 텍스쳐
거대 갈색/빨간색 버섯 0-10 0-A 텍스쳐
덩굴 0-15 0-F 달라붙은 땅
울타리 문 0-7 0-7 열림/닫힘, 방향
포션 0-65535 0-FFFF 포션 종류
양조기 0-7 0-7 사용된 슬롯
가마솥 0-3 0-3 물의 양
엔더 차원문 0-1 0-1 고장남 또는 수리됨
조약돌 담장 0-1 0-1 조약돌 또는 이끼 낀 돌
화분 0-11 0-B 화분 안에 있는 꽃
머리 0-4 0-4 머리의 종류
모루 0-2 0-2 파손된 정도 황금 사과 0-1 0-1 황금 사과의 종류 (일반 또는 인첸트)
나무 판자(목재) 0-3 0-3 나무 목재 텍스쳐
석영 블록 0-4 0-4 석영 블록 텍스쳐/회전


아이콘 이름
0 Oak Wood Planks

(참나무 목재)

1 Spruce Wood Planks

(가문비나무 목재)

2 Birch Wood Planks

(자작나무 목재)

3 Jungle Wood Planks

(정글나무 목재)


The data value is split in half. The bottom two bits determine the type of sapling (and thus the eventual tree type), according to the following table:

아이콘 이름
0 Oak Sapling

(참나무 묘목)

1 Spruce Sapling

(가문비 나무묘목)

2 Birch Sapling

(자작나무 묘목)

3 Jungle Sapling

(정글나무 묘목)

The 0x8 bits function as the counter. The third bit (0x4) is unused. The counter is cleared when a saplings is dropped as an item.


If bit 0x8 is set, this liquid is "falling" and only spreads downward. At this level, the lower bits are essentially ignored, since this block is then at its highest fluid level.

The lower three bits are the fluid block's level. 0x0 is the highest fluid level (not necessarily filling the block - this depends on the neighboring fluid blocks above each upper corner of the block). Data values increase as the fluid level of the block drops: 0x1 is next highest, 0x2 lower, on through 0x7, the lowest fluid level. Along a line on a flat plane, water drops one level per meter from the source, lava drops two.

The stationary versions of each fluid are "stable" and currently not being checked by the engine for further level changes.


아이콘 이름
0 Oak wood

(참나무 원목)

1 Spruce wood

(가문비나무 원목)

2 Birch wood

(자작나무 원목)

3 Jungle wood

(정글나무 원목)

There is also 2 bits for rotated wood:

  • 0x4: Pointing East-West
  • 0x8: Pointing North-South
  • 0xC: Directionless; all 6 faces have the appropriate identical bark texture


If bit 0x4 is set, the leaves are permanent and will never decay. This bit is set on player-placed leaf blocks and overrides the meaning of bit 0x8.

If bit 0x8 is set, the leaves will be checked for decay. The bit will be cleared after the check if the leaves do not decay. The bit will be set again whenever a block adjacent to the leaves is changed.

아이콘 이름
0 Oak leaves

(참나무 잎)

1 Pine/Spruce leaves

(가문비나무 잎)

2 Birch leaves

(자작나무 잎)

3 Jungle leaves

(정글나무 잎)

양털, 염색된 점토, 카펫[]

이 값들은 양털의 색을 지정합니다. 이 데이터는 설치된 양털의 block metadata값을 저장하고, 보관함에서 "데미지"로 저장됩니다.

Icon Dec Hex Description
0 0x0 Regular wool (white)
1 0x1 Orange
2 0x2 Magenta
3 0x3 Light Blue
4 0x4 Yellow
5 0x5 Lime
6 0x6 Pink
7 0x7 Gray
8 0x8 Light Gray
9 0x9 Cyan
10 0xA Purple
11 0xB Blue
12 0xC Brown
13 0xD Green
14 0xE Red
15 0xF Black

횃불레드스톤 횃불[]

  • 0x1: Pointing 동쪽
  • 0x2: Pointing 서쪽
  • 0x3: Pointing 남쪽
  • 0x4: Pointing 북쪽
  • 0x5: Standing on the floor
  • 0x6: Standing in ground

반 블록과 더블 반 블록[]

For both slabs and double slabs, the lower three bits of the metadata nybble determine the texture:

Stone Slabs

Icon Value Description
0x0 Stone Slab
0x1 Sandstone Slab
0x2 Wooden Slab
0x3 Cobblestone Slab
0x4 Brick Slab
0x5 Stone Brick Slab
0x6 Nether Brick Slab
0x7 Quartz Slab
0x8 Smooth Stone Slab (Double Only)
0x9 Smooth Sandstone Slab (Double Only)
0x15 Tile Quartz Slab (Double Only) (Note the underside)

Wooden Slabs

Icon Value Description
0x0 Oak Wood Slab
0x1 Spruce Wood Slab
0x2 Birch Wood Slab
0x3 Jungle Wood Slab

Slabs can be either "right-side-up" or "upside-down"; this information is stored in the most significant metadata bit 0x8 as follows:

  • 0: Slab is right-side-up, occupying the bottom half of its voxel.
  • 1: Slab is upside-down, occupying the top half of its voxel.

Thus a right-side-up birch wood slab has metadata value 0x2 (binary 0010), while an upside-down birch slab is represented by metadata 0xA (binary 1010).

Double slabs with the high-order bit set render the top texture on all six sides.

Upside-down slabs were implemented in Weekly Release 12w08a and introduced officially in Minecraft 1.2. Brick slabs and stone brick slabs were added in Beta 1.8.

Wooden slabs as a separate block with wooden properties, rather than a retextured stone slab, was introduced in Weekly Release 12w17a, with each of the four plank types included. The wooden stone slab is still available through inventory hacks or the /give command.


0x0 is a placed or spread fire. Once it reaches 0xF the eternal fire-trick will work since there will be no further updates of the block.


For normal sandstone the bottom has a cracked pattern. The other types of sandstone have bottom faces same as the tops.

Icon Value Description
0x0 Normal
0x1 Chiseled
0x2 Smooth


  • 0x0: Head is pointing 남쪽
  • 0x1: Head is pointing 서쪽
  • 0x2: Head is pointing 북쪽
  • 0x3: Head is pointing 동쪽
  • 0x4: (bit flag) - When 0, the bed is empty. When 1, the bed is occupied.
  • 0x8: (bit flag) - When 0, the foot of the bed. When 1, the head of the bed.


Icon Value Description
0x0 Shrub (identical in appearance to block Dead Bush when placed, but acts like grass or fern)
0x1 Grass
0x2 Fern


The top bit (0x8) is a status bit that determines whether the piston is pushed out or not. 1 for pushed out, 0 for retracted.

The bottom three bits are a value from 0 to 5, indicating the direction of the piston (the direction the piston head is pointing)

  • 0: Down
  • 1: Up
  • 2: 북쪽
  • 3: 남쪽
  • 4: 서쪽
  • 5: 동쪽

피스톤 확장[]

The top bit (0x8) is a status bit that determines whether the head is sticky or not (note that the Piston Body actually has completely different block types for Sticky and Regular). 1 is sticky, 0 is regular.

The bottom three bits are a value from 0 to 5, indicating the direction of the piston (the direction the piston head is pointing).

  • 0: Down
  • 1: Up
  • 2: 북쪽
  • 3: 남쪽
  • 4: 서쪽
  • 5: 동쪽


  • 0x0: Ascending 동쪽
  • 0x1: Ascending 서쪽
  • 0x2: Ascending 남쪽
  • 0x3: Ascending 북쪽

Starting in Minecraft 1.2 (actually weekly 12w08a), the bit at 0x4 is used as follows:

  • 0: Stairs are regular
  • 1: Stairs are upside down

레드스톤 와이어[]

0xF is a wire placed right next to a power source (like a redstone torch). The value declines with distance until 0x0, which is a non-powered wire. The direction of the wire is not saved but calculated at runtime.


Crops grow from 0x0 to 0x7. Carrots and potatoes appear to have 4 stages, but actually grow identically to wheat, merely using the same texture for multiple stages.

Icon Value
Icon Value
0, 1
2, 3
4, 5, 6
Icon Value
0, 1
2, 3
4, 5, 6


0x0 is dry land, 0x1-0x8 are increasing levels of wetness. The wetness value depends on how far the block is away from water.


  • 0x0: 남쪽
  • 0x1: 남쪽-남서쪽
  • 0x2: 남서쪽
  • 0x3: 서쪽-남서쪽
  • 0x4: 서쪽
  • 0x5: 서쪽-북서쪽
  • 0x6: 북서쪽
  • 0x7: 북쪽-북서쪽
  • 0x8: 북쪽
  • 0x9: 북쪽-북동쪽
  • 0xA: 북동쪽
  • 0xB: 동쪽-북동쪽
  • 0xC: 동쪽
  • 0xD: 동쪽-남동쪽
  • 0xE: 남동쪽
  • 0xF: 남쪽-남동쪽


Minecraft 1.1 이전[]

The two least significant bits are the orientation of the door, that is, the corner in which its hinge is positioned:

  • 0x0: 북서쪽 corner
  • 0x1: 북동쪽 corner
  • 0x2: 남동쪽 corner
  • 0x3: 남서쪽 corner

The two bits above are flags:

  • 0x8: If this bit is set, this is the top half of a door (else the lower half).
  • 0x4: If this bit is set, the door has swung counterclockwise around its hinge.

For example, the bottom half of a door with its hinge on the 남서쪽 corner, which is swung so that it is closed when viewed from the 서쪽, will have a data value of (3 | 4) = (3 + 4) = 7.

Minecraft 1.2 이후 (snapshot 12w06a 부터)[]


Graphic of possible door data values in 12w06a

The total data needed to accurately describe a single door tile is now contained in both door tiles, so both data values have to be inspected.

Common to both door tiles, the top bit (0x8) is as follows:

  • 0: The bottom half of the door
  • 1: The top half of the door

Top Sections

The least-significant bit (0x1) is as follows, assuming you're facing the same direction the door faces while closed:
  • 0: Hinge is on the right (this is the default for single doors)
  • 1: Hinge is on the left (this will be used for the other half of a double-door combo)
The other two bits (0x2 and 0x4) are always zero.
The only valid values for a top section, therefore, are 8 (binary 1000) and 9 (binary 1001).

Bottom Sections

The second bit (0x4) determines the door's state:
  • 0: Closed
  • 1: Open
The bottom two bits determine which direction the door faces (these directions given for which direction the door faces while closed)
  • 0: Facing 서쪽
  • 1: Facing 북쪽
  • 2: Facing 동쪽
  • 3: Facing 남쪽


Regular Minecart rails use values above 0x5 for the corner pieces. For powered rails, 0x8 is a bit flag; if set, the rail is powered. The bottom three bits have a valid range of 0x0 to 0x5.

  • 0x0: flat track going 북쪽-남쪽
  • 0x1: flat track going 서쪽-동쪽
  • 0x2: track ascending to the 동쪽
  • 0x3: track ascending to the 서쪽
  • 0x4: track ascending to the 북쪽
  • 0x5: track ascending to the 남쪽

Regular minecart tracks can make a circle from four rails:

  • 0x6: 북서쪽 corner (connecting 동쪽 and 남쪽)
  • 0x7: 북동쪽 corner (connecting 서쪽 and 남쪽)
  • 0x8: 남동쪽 corner (connecting 서쪽 and 북쪽)
  • 0x9: 남서쪽 corner (connecting 동쪽 and 북쪽)

사다리, 벽 표지판, 화로, 상자[]

  • 0x2: Facing 북쪽 (for ladders and signs, attached to the 북쪽 side of a block)
  • 0x3: Facing 남쪽
  • 0x4: Facing 서쪽
  • 0x5: Facing 동쪽

발사기, 공급기, 호퍼[]

Same as ladders, signs, etc. above and additionally:

  • 0x0: Facing Down
  • 0x1: Facing Up (or unattached to any container for Hoppers)


  • 0x8: If this bit is set, the lever has been thrown and is providing power.

Wall levers:

  • 0x1: Facing 동쪽
  • 0x2: Facing 서쪽
  • 0x3: Facing 남쪽
  • 0x4: Facing 북쪽

Ground levers:

  • 0x5: Lever points 남쪽 when off.
  • 0x6: Lever points 동쪽 when off. (Note that unlike the other types of switch, this version didn't power wires around the block it was sitting on. This bug was fixed in Beta 1.6)

Ceiling levers:

  • 0x7: Lever points 남쪽 when off.
  • 0x0: Lever points 동쪽 when off.


  • 0x1: If this bit is set, the plate is pressed.


  • 0x8 If this bit is set, the button has been pressed. If this bit is set in a saved level, the button will remain pressed for an undefined length of time after the level is loaded.

Button direction:

  • 0x1: Facing 동쪽
  • 0x2: Facing 서쪽
  • 0x3: Facing 남쪽
  • 0x4: Facing 북쪽


파일:Snow heights.png

Heights of snow from 0-7, going from left to right

  • 0x0: Normal snowfall height
  • ...
  • 0x7: Full block size height


0x0 is a freshly planted cactus. The data value is incremented at random intervals. When it becomes 15, a new cactus block is created on top as long as the total height does not exceed 3, but it can spawn randomly up to 5 blocks high from glitches.


0x0 is a freshly planted cane. The data value is incremented at random intervals. When it becomes 15, a new sugar cane block is created on top as long as the total height does not exceed 3.


Icon Value Description
0 Nothing
1 Gold Disc (13)
2 Green Disc (cat)
3 Orange Disc (blocks)
4 Red Disc (chirp)
5 Lime Green Disc (far)
6 Purple Disc (mall)
7 Violet Disc (mellohi)
8 Black Disc (stal)
9 White Disc (strad)
10 Sea Green Disc (ward)
11 Broken Disc (11)
12 Blue Disc (wait)

호박, 잭 오 랜턴[]

  • 0x0: Facing 남쪽
  • 0x1: Facing 서쪽
  • 0x2: Facing 북쪽
  • 0x3: Facing 동쪽
  • 0x4: No face


  • 0x0: 0 pieces eaten
  • 0x1: 1 piece eaten
  • 0x2: 2 pieces eaten
  • 0x3: 3 pieces eaten
  • 0x4: 4 pieces eaten
  • 0x5: 5 pieces eaten

레드스톤 중계기[]

Low (1st & 2nd) bits:

  • 0x0: Facing 북쪽
  • 0x1: Facing 동쪽
  • 0x2: Facing 남쪽
  • 0x3: Facing 서쪽

High (3rd & 4th) bits:

  • 0x0: 1 tick delay
  • 0x1: 2 tick delay
  • 0x2: 3 tick delay
  • 0x3: 4 tick delay


0x4 is a bit that determines whether or not the trapdoor is swung open. 0 for closed (on the ground), 1 for open (against its connecting wall). 0x8 is a bit that determines whether the trapdoor is on the bottom or top of the block. The remaining two bits describe which wall the trapdoor is attached to:

  • 0x0: Attached to the 남쪽 wall
  • 0x1: Attached to the 북쪽 wall
  • 0x2: Attached to the 동쪽 wall
  • 0x3: Attached to the 서쪽 wall

몬스터 알[]

A silverfish will hide inside a Stone, Cobblestone, or Stone Brick block, changing it into a Monster Egg block. The data value tells us its appearance:

  • 0: Stone
  • 1: Cobblestone
  • 2: Stone Brick

석재 벽돌[]

Icon Value Description
0x0 Normal
0x1 Mossy
0x2 Cracked
0x3 Chiseled

갈색, 빨간 거대 버섯[]

Huge mushrooms consist of the same blocks throughout their structure, the data value of each block decides the texture. The default texture on all sides is porous flesh. The cap texture can be either the brown mushroom or red mushroom texture, the textures for porous and stem sides are identical.

Value Description Textures
0 Fleshy piece Pores on all sides
1 Corner piece Cap texture on top, 서쪽 and 북쪽
2 Side piece Cap texture on top and 북쪽
3 Corner piece Cap texture on top, 북쪽 and 동쪽
4 Side piece Cap texture on top and 서쪽
5 Top piece Cap texture on top
6 Side piece Cap texture on top and 동쪽
7 Corner piece Cap texture on top, 남쪽 and 서쪽
8 Side piece Cap texture on top and 남쪽
9 Corner piece Cap texture on top, 동쪽 and 남쪽
10 Stem piece Stem texture on all four sides, pores on top and bottom
14 All Cap Cap texture on all six sides
15 All stem Stem texture on all six sides

호박 줄기수박 줄기[]

Pumpkin and melon stems grow from 0x0 to 0x7; however, world editors can force in stems up to 0x15. During each stage of growth a part of their model is revealed. In the last stage a stem can spawn a melon or pumpkin next to it on empty dirt, grass or farmland. As long as this fruit remains the stem will appear bent towards the fruit.


Determines the face against which the vine is anchored. Note that (except for Top) these are testable as bit flags, unlike most of the other directional data for other block types. Multiple sides can contain vines. The "top" attachment is assumed to be present if data is 0 or there is solid block above.

  • 1: 남쪽
  • 2: 서쪽
  • 4: 북쪽
  • 8: 동쪽

울타리 문[]

파일:Fence gate orientation bits.png

The left circle was opened from the outside, the right one from the inside. Facing directions: Red = North; Green = East; Yellow = South; Blue = West

0x4 is a bit that determines whether the fence gate is open or closed. 1 is open, 0 is closed. The remaining two bits (0x3) describe in which direction the gate is facing. The fence gate swings open away from you. The direction in which you are looking when you stand in front of the open fence gate is the direction in which the gate is facing.
The facing-bit directions are:

  • 0: To the 남쪽
  • 1: To the 서쪽
  • 2: To the 북쪽
  • 3: To the 동쪽

네더 와트[]

Like Crops, the data value is related to the size of the Nether Wart. There are three distinct visual stages to Nether Wart's growth (the associated data values are given):

Icon Value


The bottom three bits are bit flags for which bottle slots actually contain bottles. The actual bottle contents (and the reagent at the top) are stored in a TileEntity for this block, not in the data field.

  • 0x1: The slot pointing 동쪽
  • 0x2: The slot pointing 남서쪽
  • 0x4: The slot pointing 북서쪽


The data value stores the amount of water kept in the cauldron, in units of glass bottles that can be filled.

  • 0: Empty
  • 1: 1/3 filled
  • 2: 2/3 filled
  • 3: Fully filled

엔더 차원문 블록[]

The bottom two bits determine which "side" of the whole portal frame this block is a part of. To make the frame activate, each of the portal frame blocks in the pattern must "face" toward the middle. Since the image is near-symmetrical, it is difficult to tell which direction an individual block is actually facing, but if the block isn't facing in that direction and that is the last frame block where the Eye of Ender is placed, the frame won't activate.

Direction vectors for the blocks are the following:

  • 0: To the 남쪽
  • 1: To the 서쪽
  • 2: To the 북쪽
  • 3: To the 동쪽

0x4 is a bit flag: 0 is an "empty" frame block, 1 is a block with an Eye of Ender inserted.


The top two bits, 0xC, specify the size of the plant.

  • 0x0: small
  • 0x4: medium
  • 0x8: large

Combination 0xC (both bits set) is not used, and results in a cocoa pod which is larger than the normal largest one, and uses the enderdragon egg texture.

The bottom two bits define which direction the plant is facing out, i.e. to what side of the tree the plant is attached.

  • 0x0: Facing 북쪽 (i.e., attached to the 북쪽 side of the tree)
  • 0x1: Facing 동쪽
  • 0x2: Facing 남쪽
  • 0x3: Facing 서쪽

철사덫 갈고리[]

  • 0x4: This bit means the tripwire hook is connected and ready to trip ("middle" position)
  • 0x8: This bit means the tripwire hook is currently activated ("down" position)

An activated hook will normally have a value of 0xC, meaning "connected" and "activated".

The two low bits determine to which wall the hook is attached:

  • 0x0: Facing 남쪽
  • 0x1: Facing 서쪽
  • 0x2: Facing 북쪽
  • 0x3: Facing 동쪽


  • 0x4: This bit means the tripwire as a whole has been activated.
  • 0x1: This bit means some object is on this particular piece of tripwire.

So, unactivated tripwire has a value of 0x0.

Connection is determined by the neighboring tripwire, similar to redstone wiring.

조약돌 담장[]

Icon Value Description
0 Cobblestone
1 Moss Stone


Icon Value Description
0 empty
1 Rose
2 Dandelion
3 Oak Sapling
4 Spruce Sapling
5 Birch Sapling
6 Jungle Tree Sapling
7 Red Mushroom
8 Brown Mushroom
9 Cactus
10 Dead Bush
11 Fern


Note: Only part of the information for this block is in the data value, the rest in the associated Tile Entity. See Tile Entity Format for details.

Data values determine the block placement:

  • 0x1: On the floor (rotation is stored in the tile entity)
  • 0x2: On a wall, facing 북쪽
  • 0x3: On a wall, facing 남쪽
  • 0x4: On a wall, facing 동쪽
  • 0x5: On a wall, facing 서쪽

The skull types (for the Item and for the Tile Entity) are:

Icon Value Description
0 Skeleton
1 Wither Skeleton
2 Zombie
3 Human
4 Creeper

석영 블록[]

Icon Value Description
0 Block of Quartz
1 Chiseled Quartz Block
2 Pillar Quartz Block (vertical)
3 Pillar Quartz Block (north-south)
4 Pillar Quartz Block (east-west)


Icon Value Description
0 석탄
1 목탄


DV 설명
0 먹물 주머니
1 장밋빛 빨강 염료
2 선인장빛 초록 염료
3 코코아 콩
4 청금석
5 보라색 염료
6 청록색 염료
7 회백색 염료
8 회색 염료
9 분홍색 염료
10 연두색 염료
11 민들렛빛 노랑 염료
12 하늘색 염료
13 자홍색 염료
14 주황색 염료
15 뼛가루


0x1 is the bit that determines whether the anvil is orientated in a north-south (0) or a west-east (1) direction. 0x4 and 0x8 are bits which determine whether the the anvil is a regular (0x4 & 0x8 = 0), a slightly damaged (0x4 = 1) or a very damaged (0x8 = 1) one.


A Glass Bottle filled with a potion. Potion type is stored in item's damage value as a 16-bit number. Potion effect, name, and other flags are encoded on bits. Effect duration itself isn't there, but can be calculated from other values.

Current meaning of bits is described below. Note that potion name overlaps with potion effect and tier.

Bit Dec Hex Meaning
0 1 0001 Potion effect Potion name
1 2 0002
2 4 0004
3 8 0008
4 16 0010
5 32 0020 Tier
6 64 0040 Extended duration
7 128 0080 (ignored)
8 256 0100
9 512 0200
10 1024 0400
11 2048 0800
12 4096 1000
13 8192 2000 Can become splash potion
14 16384 4000 Splash potion
15 32768 8000 (ignored)

To calculate damage value of potion with desired effect use the following formula:

DV = potion_effect + tier_bit + extended_bit + splash_bit

for example:

  • potion with "Instant Health" effect has damage value 5 (= 5 + 0 + 0 + 0);
  • potion with extended "Slowness" effect has value 74 (= 10 + 0 + 64 + 0);
  • splash potion with tier II "Strength" effect has value 16425 (= 9 + 32 + 0 + 16384).

To get potion with certain name, use the following formula:

DV = potion_name + extended_bit + splash_bit

for example:

  • Splash version of "Charming Potion" has damage value 16423 (= 39 + 0 + 16384)

"이름" 비트[]

Dec Hex Potion
0 00 Water Bottle / Mundane Potion
1 01 Potion of Regeneration
2 02 Potion of Swiftness
3 03 Potion of Fire Resistance
4 04 Potion of Poison
5 05 Potion of Healing
6 06 Potion of Night Vision
7 07 Clear Potion
8 08 Potion of Weakness
9 09 Potion of Strength
10 0a Potion of Slowness
11 0b Diffuse Potion
12 0c Potion of Harming
13 0d Artless Potion
14 0e Potion of Invisibility
15 0f Thin Potion
Dec Hex Potion
16 10 Awkward Potion
17 11 Potion of Regeneration
18 12 Potion of Swiftness
19 13 Potion of Fire Resistance
20 14 Potion of Poison
21 15 Potion of Healing
22 16 Potion of Night Vision
23 17 Bungling Potion
24 18 Potion of Weakness
25 19 Potion of Strength
26 1a Potion of Slowness
27 1b Smooth Potion
28 1c Potion of Harming
29 1d Suave Potion
30 1e Potion of Invisibility
31 1f Debonair Potion
Dec Hex Potion
32 20 Thick Potion
33 21 Potion of Regeneration
34 22 Potion of Swiftness
35 23 Potion of Fire Resistance
36 24 Potion of Poison
37 25 Potion of Healing
38 26 Potion of Night Vision
39 27 Charming Potion
40 28 Potion of Weakness
41 29 Potion of Strength
42 2a Potion of Slowness
43 2b Refined Potion
44 2c Potion of Harming
45 2d Cordial Potion
46 2e Potion of Invisibility
47 2f Sparkling Potion
Dec Hex Potion
48 30 Potent Potion
49 31 Potion of Regeneration
50 32 Potion of Swiftness
51 33 Potion of Fire Resistance
52 34 Potion of Poison
53 35 Potion of Healing
54 36 Potion of Night Vision
55 37 Rank Potion
56 38 Potion of Weakness
57 39 Potion of Strength
58 3a Potion of Slowness
59 3b Acrid Potion
60 3c Potion of Harming
61 3d Gross Potion
62 3e Potion of Invisibility
63 3f Stinky Potion

Note: potion with name set to 0 is called "Water Bottle" only if no other bit is set. Otherwise, it is called "Mundane Potion".

Note: potions with an effect and splash potion bit set have additional "Splash " prefix.

"효과" 비트[]

Dec Hex Effect Potion suffix Duration Bottles Icon Effect color
0 0 - - - - -
1 1 Regeneration Regeneration 0:45 Pink
2 2 Speed Swiftness 3:00 Sky blue
3 3 Fire Resistance Fire Resistance 3:00 Orange
4 4 Poison Poison 0:45 Green
5 5 Instant Health Healing instant - -
6 6 Night Vision Night Vision 3:00 Navy blue
7 7 - - - - -
8 8 Weakness Weakness 1:30 Gray
9 9 Strength Strength 3:00 Dark red
10 a Slowness Slowness 1:30 Blue-gray
11 b - - - - -
12 c Instant Damage Harming instant - -
13 d - - - - -
14 e Invisibility Invisibility 3:00 Light gray
15 f - - - - -

"단계" 비트[]

Dec Hex Meaning
0 0000 Tier I effect.
32 0020 Tier II effect. Multiply duration by 1/2.

Note: Fire Resistance, Weakness and Slowness effects have no second tier. Their strength and duration are unaffected by this bit.

"지속시간 확장" 비트[]

Dec Hex Meaning
0 0000 Base duration.
64 0040 Multiply duration by 8/3.

"투척용" 비트[]

Dec Hex Meaning
0 0000 Drinkable potion.
16384 4000 Splash potion. Multiply duration by 3/4.

스폰 알*[]

Damage values on Spawn Eggs will cause it to spawn the entity of that id. For example, a damage value of 50 would cause the spawn egg to create Creepers.

황금 사과[]

Icon Value Description
0 황금 사과
1 인챈트된 황금 사과


  • When generating a custom superflat world using biome ID -1, the game will crash.
  • Using /give command or inventory editors, an item can be spawned with its data value out of normal bounds. This can cause a normal looking item to appear, but will be unusable and unstackable with an identical item that has a different data value. In the case of Wool colors, data values "rotate" when out of bounds. Examples are provided:
    • Example 1 - Stacking: If the player were to type /give <PLAYERNAME> 351 1 1, an Ink Sac would be given to the player like normal. However, if the player were to type /give <PLAYERNAME> 351 1 -4 afterward, another Ink Sac would be given, but it won't stack with the first Ink Sac, because the two Ink Sacs have different data values, despite the fact that both items appear to be the same thing.
    • Example 2 - Value Defaults: Using the /give command to spawn an item with data values that are out of valid bounds will "default" to the lowest or highest valid data value closest to it. Typing /give <PLAYERNAME> 351 1 -23 will spawn an Ink Sac, due to -23 being closest to 0, the lowest possible valid data value for dye, being the Ink Sac. Typing /give <PLAYERNAME> 351 1 43 will spawn Bone Meal, because 43 is closest to the dye's highest valid data value, being 15, which is what Bone Meal is.
    • Example 3 - Non-usable: Note that the valid data values for dye are between the numbers 0 and 15. Any type of dye that's spawned with an data value lower than 0 or higher than 15 cannot be used. So if one is using the /give command to spawn a dye with an data value of 32, which would spawn Bone Meal, the said Bone Meal can not be used to mix with other dyes or be used as a quick plant growing agent.
    • Example 4 - Rotation: data value rotation has been confirmed for Wool, but only the colors seem to rotate. Using a Wool data value of 16 (when the highest is 15) (fun fact: the wool data value of 16 is shown as nether warts, but when placed by the player it becomes white wool) will "circle back" to white wool, which is 0. Using an data value of 18 will circle back to Magenta Wool, because 18 is 3 integers higher than the max of 15, it will circle back to 0, but the extra 3 bumps it to the data value of 2. Despite this, the unstacking data value issue still remains.

JSON Data Values[]

  • Web/Plugin/App Developers looking for a JSON representation of the minecraft data values and PNG images can use the free api at: http://api.mineverse.com (Free registration required to prevent abuse). This list is maintained by a volunteer and has an "update" value that lets you know the latest update. It may not reflect the latest changes here.

