Minecraft Wiki

서바이벌 모드마인크래프트게임 모드이다.플레이어들은 자원을 모으고, 건물을 건설하고,들과 싸우고,배고픔과 싸우며,땅을 탐험할 수 있다. It is currently the main focus in the development of Minecraft, being the only playable game mode in Beta until 1.8 with the reintroduction of Creative.

In Survival, players have an inventory in which they may gather items. These items may be combined using certain recipes to create Tools and other Items. This process is known as crafting. Some crafting recipes need a crafting table. Players are also able to create potions by brewing.

서바이벌 싱글 플레이어(SSP)

서바이벌 싱글 플레이어는 마인크래프트의 오리지널 게임 모드이다. mid-Alpha 버전까지는, SSP는 Classic creative mode를 제외하면 마인크래프트에서 제공하는 유일한 모드였다. SSP may be played online or offline, as long as the user has initially played it while connected to the Internet (which allows game files to download to his or her computer). In this mode, the user is the only human presence in the game.

서바이벌 멀티 플레이어 (SMP)

Survival MultiPlayer is played by users who connect to a central Minecraft server. This enables them to interact with other users.

멀티 플레이어 서버들

Due to the large number of Minecraft servers, different resource sites offer lists of the different Multiplayer servers:

The Minecraft site also contains a server list for Classic servers. However, a Server List in the multiplayer join screen was introduced in Beta 1.8. This does not have a full server list, however, it does save servers, ping them, and can tell you the number of players online and the maximum players online.


This game mode was introduced on 4th of August, 2009 in Survival Test under Classic. During this time, players experienced permadeath, meaning they could not respawn and the level needed to be restarted unless a save file had been created.

The inventory and crafting was only introduced in the Indev version while the Infdev version features infinite map generation. This version also drops the permadeath feature allowing the player to respawn. The Alpha version improved the map generation by introducing biomes.

The Multiplayer variant of this game mode also took place in the Alpha version. Originally, Notch had only allowed a limited number of people from the Minecraft IRC channel to participate in the first tests of SMP. These invitees could invite other people to test out this mode; however the password was leaked and the server was quickly filled up. Notch released the first version of the SMP server software on the 4th of August, 2010. The client was updated so that players could enter the IP of a server to join it.

알려진 버그

이 부분의 본문은 알려진 버그입니다.

[!] Several sound instances are missing: other player footstep and block placing sounds, other player/skeleton bow sounds, fishing rod, snowball and egg throwing sounds, ambiance, chicken egg laying sounds...
[!] Mobs can slip through fences.
[!] Knockback is calculated incorrectly: Drowning and Fire damage is not supposed to deal downwards knockback.
[!] Hostile mobs stop spawning after a certain amount of playing. They don't spawn anywhere in the game unless a new world is made.[출처 필요]
