Minecraft Wiki
이 페이지는 Mojang Studios, Minecraft 위키, 마인크래프트 IRC 채널 또는 마인크래프트 포럼에서 지원받지 않습니다. 
2012-03-11 17.19

An example of a world generator mod (custom Indev map generator)

모드 (modifications의 줄임말)는 마인크래프트의 원래 게임의 내용을 변형한 것이다. 모드는 점점 인기가 높아지고 있다. 그리고 새로운 경험과 목표를 추가하기도 한다.

모드의 목적

마인크래프트에 있는 대부분의 모드는 게임 플레이 방식을 변경하기 위해 새로운 콘탠츠가 추가된다. 모드들은 더욱 창조적이게 하거나 플래이어에게 마인크래프트 세계와 상호작용을 할 수 있는 기능이 추가된다. 많은 사람들이 모드를 만들때 MCP를 이용한다. 일부는 규모가 매우 큰 모드도 있다, 예를 들자면 모드/IndustrialCraft²가 있다. 이러한 모드들은 많은 종류의 새로운 블럭, , 플레이어의 능력, 또는 아이템을 만들고 쓸 수 있게 한다. 다른 모드는 성능을 향샹시키기 위해 그래픽 설정을 세분화 하거나, 게임플레이 방법을 바꾸는 모드도 있다. 예를 들자면 MystCraft나 포탈건 모드는 다른게임의 기능과 요소를 Minecraft에 추가한 것이다. Others, are "Toy mods" that bring another less useful but entertaining and playful experience to Minecraft. Server mods or plugins mainly give server admins more options and ease of use, and most mods for single-player have a server version that allows or optimizes the mod in multiplayer.

Ideally, the creator of a mod updates the mod whenever the game updates - bringing more content, bug fixes, or optimizations. Otherwise, the mod may not work with a newer version. Many in the community appreciate the additional experience and ease of use that come with mods, while others play the original game, with only the original content. While Minecraft mods are generally safe to install, one should exercise caution with mods to prevent crashes, deletion of game or save data, system instability, or potential malware infections from a bad link or the mod itself. A good way to protect your game from such problems is to back up various files such as the .minecraft folder if you choose to use mods. There are many mods or plugins available to complement the original game or give server admins more options and control over their servers.

모드와 버그

If you install a mod, no matter how simple, it may stop the game from working properly. If that happens, there may not be much point reporting bugs on the bug tracker, because Mojang does not undertake to support modified versions of the game. If you encounter a problem while using mods and want to report it, first remove all of your mods and see if the problem still happens. If so, it can be reported on the relevant Issues page here on the Minecraft wiki. Otherwise, try to reproduce the problem with the fewest possible number of mods, and then report the problem to the author(s) of those mods; Mojang won't be able to help.

If Minecraft crashes, a modified game is flagged in the crash report. The following link explains how to obtain a crash report. (Note: If your Minecraft has never crashed, following those instructions won't find anything.)

The crash report text will include a line near the top which will say one of:

Is Modded: Probably not
Is Modded: Very likely
Is Modded: Definitely {name of custom client}

A shortened example crash report is given below:

The code that checks for mods is fairly simple, and it's not always correct; it may say 'probably not' even with mods installed. However, it's very difficult to get the 'very likely' message if you haven't modified minecraft.jar somehow, so that's essentially a 'yes'. There's also a 'definitely' message, seen when a Bukkit server crashes and possibly under other similar conditions.

'Probably not' appears when the client/server brand appears to the in-game check to be unaltered (often termed 'vanilla') and the meta-inf file is still there. 'Very likely' appears when the meta-inf file is not present but the client/server brand seems to be vanilla. 'Definitely' plus the client name appears when the client is not vanilla. For example, you might see something like:

Is Modded: Definitely: Bob's Custom Mod

공식 플러그인 API

이 부분의 본문은 플러그인 API입니다.

The Plugin API[1] is an upcoming feature that allows modders to easily add more content to the game. For more information, see the above link.

모드 설치 방법 - Modloader

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/모드_설치_방법입니다.

The above link provides a comprehensive guide on how to install mods using the Modloader API. Some mod packs have auto-installers that make adding mods to Minecraft extremely easy for the beginner modder. If you are an advanced modder you would know that it also involves extracting and adding modified files manually which create a different feel or certain type of gameplay to Minecraft.

모드 설치 방법- Forge

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/forge_모드_설치방법입니다.

The above link provides a basic guide on how to install mods using the Forge API. The Forge API is a lot more complex than the Modloader API but it makes installing mods very easy. A video tutorial is also included in this guide.

모드 만드는 방법

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/모드 만들기입니다.

The above link will try to assist in how to create mods, including the usage of APIs.

Outdated mods

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/Outdated입니다.

Any mods for earlier versions than the previous major version of Minecraft are unlikely to get updated, and are considered dead mods. These mods can be deleted from the list and moved to the article linked above.

Modding programs and editors

이 부분의 본문은 Programs and editors/Modding입니다.

The above link gives showcases tools for installing and making mods.

클라이언트 모드

TIP: Use Ctrl + F (Windows or GNU/Linux) or ⌘ Cmd + F (Mac) to find a mod you are looking for, however you must first expand the tables.

Client mods are modifications to your game files themselves. They are not custom clients, and they require modification of minecraft.jar. Like high resolution textures, they only work with the launchers, and won't work if you play through a browser.

The most common form of client mods are aesthetic and/or functional (such as the iMod). However, some client mods add new content to the game (Such as the Supplycrate mod), and others fix issues with the game.

As the Minecraft server software will ignore custom content from client side, most of the client mods which add new content to the game do not work in SMP unless a modification has also been installed on the server. Some authors of client mods have made server versions of their mods available, and others have not. A few of the Loader/API type client mods (e.g. ModLoader and AudioMod) and many of the functional client mods (e.g. Optifine, Rei's Minimap and TooManyItems) have effect in SMP straight away, without any modification on server side.

Adding/editing client mods to the wiki

  1. When adding a new mod to the list, first please check that the mod is not already listed in one of the sections on the page.
  2. Please put the mod in the correct section. If it adds new mobs, items, blocks or dimensions, put it in New Content. If it changes features of an existing item or adds settings, like adding a new difficulty level or making mobs drop more experience, put it in Aesthetic and Functional Mods. If it fixes a bug in "vanilla" Minecraft, put it in Fixes.
  3. Please keep the mods in alphabetical order. It's much harder to find older, established mods when they are buried beneath the mods that have been thrown on top of them.
  4. Do not place unreleased mods, especially if they have a message in the download link such as "This mod will be released soon". Also, do not place download links. It only adds to the frustration of potential spam, plus, if there are no pictures, people are less likely to download the mod.

Thank you for following these simple rules.

Note: The guide below works for the "New Content" and "Aesthetic and Functional Mods" sections.

Before adding mods, you must understand the code used. For this example, we will use Single Player Commands.

| name = Single Player Commands
| description = Single Player Commands is a mod that adds commands to your single player worlds.
| version = 4.7
| forum = http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/94310-151-single-player-commands-v47-official-download-spc-noclip/download/
| minecraft version = 1.5.1
| api = no
| author = simo_415
| smp = no

The first line, {{/entry, indicates that the Mods/entry template is being used; the final }} ends the template.

The next line, | name = Single Player Commands, is self-explanatory.

The third line, | description = Single Player Commands is a mod that adds commands to your single player worlds, is a brief description of the mod. Don't make this too long, perhaps copy and paste the first few lines of the description of the mod.

| version = 3.2.2 is the latest version number. Usually this is in the thread header or in the body of the thread. If the version is not specified, use the latest release version as the version number (e.g. if the mod is compatible with the latest version of Minecraft () and the thread doesn't specify the version, use in place of the version number).

| forum = http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/94310-125-single-player-commands-v322-official-download/ is the address of the mod's forum thread. A similar line, starting with | website =, can also be used if the mod has a website as well. (This should not be used for a direct download link.)

| minecraft version = 1.2.5 is the latest compatible version of Minecraft.

| api = no indicates that no modding API (such as ModLoader) is required. (If it is needed, | api = {{tc|yes|ModLoader}} should be used.)

| author = simo_415 is the Mod creator/author.

| smp = no is whether the mod is SMP compatible or not. Valid inputs are those accepted by {{tc}}. To change the display text, include the template manually: | smp = {{tc|yes|Yes (requires etc.)}}

If you are updating a mod, all you have to edit is the website address and the version number.

Tip: If this guide is still confusing, copy and paste a mod's code and edit it accordingly.

Please note that if you're looking for a mod for the latest Minecraft version, the author may have forgotten to update the version number on this page. It will usually have the right version on the Minecraft forum thread.

APIs and loaders

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/APIs입니다.


이 부분의 본문은 Mods/Fixes입니다.

Mod packs

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/Mod packs입니다.

Aesthetic and functional

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/Aesthetic입니다.

New content

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/New content입니다.

External tools

이 부분의 본문은 Mods/External입니다.

서버 모드

서버 모드는 공식Minecraft서버에서 돌아가는 프로그램이다.

Server mods are commonly designed to make administration of servers easier by implementing tiered privileges for commands (such as kicking, banning etc.). They are frequently implemented as "wrappers" which do not actually modify the main server .jar file, instead monitoring its output and sending commands to it.

The list below only includes stand-alone server mods, and does not contain server mods, which are required to be installed server side for specific client mods to work in SMP. These mods are listed above under Client Mods.

For a list of out-of-date server mods, see here.

Server Modifications
Name Description Version Link Latest Release

Administration plugin based on hMod. (hMod v2)

  • Plugin System.
  • Simple and Efficient.
  • Built-in Permission system.
  • Plugins hardly ever break.
  • Multiworld support
canary-b6.1.12 Homepage

A popular mod API with its own server software.

  • Plugin System
  • Efficient
  • Security updates to server
  • Built upon the Minecraft Source Code
  • Multiworld support
1.5.2-R0.2 (Dev) 1.5.2-R0.1 (Beta) 1.4.7-R1.0 (Stable) Homepage

Spout is a fork of the Glowstone Project

  • Plugin System
  • On updating, there is no decompiling of the Minecraft Source code needed
  • Security updates to server
  • Multiworld support
Client: Build 2029
Server: Build 3008
LoginMessage Adds login message (similar to motd) to the vanilla server. Allows for cave mapping and entities radar in Rei's MiniMap to work in SMP on non-Bukkit server. (To see it, show the spoiler under 'How to Enable Cave mapping / Entities radar on SMP'.) v0.4 Forum
MC Port Central

Modified Server combining forge with Bukkit allowing you to play mods and bukkit plugins on the same server.

  • Combines the features of bukkit while using Forgemodloader.
  • Updated regularly
  • Allows you to use bukkit plugins
Build #202 Ported Mods for 1.4.6

Z5Craft is a plugin system for Minecraft, like Bukkit. Z5Craft has a few things about it that are different from other server mods.

  • Plugin system.
  • Compatible with any version of Minecraft.
  • Plugins don't break.
  • Compatible with most other server mods.
  • For Linux only.
Alpha 0.2.0 Homepage


  • Creating Mods, a tutorial on how to create mods
  • Cheating and exploits

